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1. Relationship with Het Friesch Paarden-Stamboek (KFPS)FHAGBI t/a UKFHS recognises the KFPS as the sole worldwide authority and origin studbook for the Friesian Horse. The KFPS recognises the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS as its sole representative in the United Kingdom. Communication with the KFPS, all registration procedures and issues with the KFPS concerning UK members must be conducted through the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS Board of Directors and Committee.
2. Membership of FHAGBI t/a UKFHSCategories of membership, where a person is a member of this Company. A full member is the beneficial owner of a Friesian horse which is registered in the United Kingdom Friesian studbook or one of the various studbooks recognised and maintained by the KFPS. An associate member is a member who is not the beneficial owner of a registered Friesian horse. Applications for membership are approved by the Directors and should be accompanied by payment in Great British Pounds (GBP). Upon completion of processing by the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, but not longer than 30 days from the postmark date of the payment, the member shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges of the membership category. The membership year runs from 1 January to 31 December each year. In the year of initial membership of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, where the applicant is not a renewing member by the 14th of February, membership dues will be prorated according to the following schedule: Joining 1 January – 30 June full amount is due Joining 1 July – 30 September 50% of full amount Joining 1 October – 31 December 35% of full amount Memberships are not transferable. All categories of membership may: Attend all membership meetings; Receive newsletters and general correspondence from the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS; Join the members only Facebook group and members on social networking pages. Full members have the privileges shown above in addition to privileges which include, but are not limited to the following: Vote in FHAGBI t/a UKFHS proceedings as outlined in the Articles of Association; 2.6.2 be eligible for election to the Board of Directors as outlined in the Articles of Association; 2.6.3 petition the Board of Directors on matters of policy or concern. Full members, who are Gold members, may have the privileges shown above in addition to privileges which include, but are not limited to the following: reduced price registration services for eligible foals born in the United Kingdom; reduced price update of passport details for horses resident in the United Kingdom; be a member of the KFPS and have access to the proprietary “members only” website pages; ability to update the KFPS breed paper; utilise the registration services of the KFPS at a reduced rate for foals born outside of the United Kingdom; utilise judging services provided by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS in conjunction with the KFPS which include but are not limited to: judging horses for studbook entry, status predicates, entering horses for the IBOP or ABFP, premiums and prizes; subscribe to the Phyrso magazine published by the KFPS. Termination of membership: Resignation, if a member terminates during the calendar year, no portion of the membership fee will be returned. Membership may be suspended or terminated at the discretion of the Board of Directors or by request and vote of the membership. Membership will be terminated if annual membership dues are not paid by the 14th of February in the year due. However, until members have paid the current year’s dues they are not considered to be in good standing and therefore are not entitled to vote in Company proceedings or receive the services of the Company. Where membership is terminated because dues were not paid by the 14th of February in the year due, reinstatement of membership will require payment of the full annual membership dues, without proration, plus payment of the membership reinstatement fee. In order to comply with Commission Decision 9/353/EEC, FHAGBI t/a UKFHS declares that there will be no discrimination between members within each category of membership.
3. Responsibilities of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS MembersTo maintain their membership status in good standing, members are to abide by the Rules and Regulations of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, to deal fairly with FHAGBI and its members, and to fulfil all obligations including timely payment of dues and fees. Loss of good standing will result in termination of membership and its privileges. Members must not act in a manner which brings FHAGBI t/a UKFHS into disrepute, nor which impacts negatively on the reputation of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, its Board of Directors or its Committee. Members are to notify promptly the Membership Secretary of any change in address, telephone number or personal status as well as the change in status of any of their horses (e.g. birth, death, castration, importation or ownership transfer). The FHAGBI and UKFHS logos are protected by copyright and are not to be used on websites or promotional materials other than those published by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS without the express written permission of the Board of Directors. The use of the KFPS logo, WFHO logo and logos of other foreign association logos recognised by the KFPS are protected by copyright and are not to be used on websites or other promotional material without the express written permission of those entities. Information and photos used on FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, KFPS and other KFPS recognised foreign association websites or within publications (i.e. newsletters, Phryso, information leaflets) are protected by copyright. They must not be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the entities or author / photographer. Members must not abuse the use of the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS website, including its social media networks, for any commercial activities, or advertising activities, or for selling horses or items other than those formally submitted to the Board of Directors for scrutiny prior to posting. The Board of Directors decision will be final. The advertising of horses for sale is at the discretion of the Board of Directors. Any member found to be selling horses without the correct paperwork or purposefully misleading purchasers are at risk of having their membership terminated without the right to appeal and may be declined future membership. In order to advertise a horse for sale on the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS website, social media networks and in the newsletter the following guidelines must be adhered to: The horse must be a Friesian horse which is registered the United Kingdom Friesian studbook or one of the various studbooks recognised by the KFPS; For private sales the horse’s passport must be in the name of the current owner; For trade sales the seller must be a member of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and agree that the advert will be marked as Trade; Adverts must be factually correct e.g. age of horse, pedigree, health status, training level etc; Photos and video clips must be of the horse for sale in that specific advert; Horses may be advertised for former members at the discretion of the Board of Directors, providing they are in good standing with the Company, and they are in accordance with the rules and regulations above. Disclaimer – The Friesian Horse Association of Great Britain and Ireland Limited (FHAGBI) trading as United Kingdom Friesian Horse Studbook (UKFHS) and its officers shall have no responsibility for the representations made about horses by advertiser. Buyers purchase from the advertiser at their own risk. Any person being or having been prosecuted for equine welfare offences or where the Board of Directors receives repeated valid complaints concerning welfare standards, may have their membership terminated with immediate effect without the right to appeal and be declined future membership. Members should be wary of, and should not be misled by, any organisation that purports to provide registration services for Friesian horses. Such organisations may solicit FHAGBI t/a UKFHS members and may imply that they represent or replace FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Legitimate correspondence concerning FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS will clearly indicate that it has originated from FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS. Members should be careful when dealing with such groups, in order not to jeopardise their or their horse’s standing with FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS.
4. Standards of ConductIt is the policy of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS that its members, act in accordance with the rules and regulations and uphold the highest level of ethical and professional behaviour. Treat with respect and consideration all persons, regardless of race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, maternity, marital or family status, disability, age or national origin. FHAGBI t/a UKFHS supports equal opportunities, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and fairness. Respect and protect privileged information to which they have access in the course of conducting official FHAGBI t/a UKFHS duties. Exhibit professional and ethical behaviour in any and all FHAGBI t/a UKFHS related activities. Refrain from hostile communication with FHAGBI t/a UKFHS Board of Directors and Committee members. Ensure any communication about FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, including social media posts, comply with the policies on confidentiality and disclosure of proprietary information. Be aware that all FHAGBI t/a UKFHS policies that regulate conduct apply to social media activity. Understand that all FHAGBI t/a UKFHS event attendees and organisers are expected to conduct themselves in a polite, professional, and respectful manner. This pertains to all event attendees regardless of their membership with FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Support FHAGBI t/a UKFHS in protecting all members from bullying, harassment, intimidation, or any other kind of predatory behaviour. Make the health and safety of horses, members and attendees paramount at all FHAGBI t/a UKFHS related activities or events. Make known when representing FHAGBI t/a UKFHS in any capacity, one’s personal opinions are not that of the organisation.
5. FeesEstablishment of and changes to membership dues, service fees, deposits and penalties are approved by the Board of Directors. Fees are due in advance of service where possible. No registration documents will be processed, horses judged, or any other services rendered by the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS until the appropriate fees have been received and processed. In addition, to receive the services of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, members must be in good standing (see section 3.1). Delinquent accounts with FHAGBI t/a UKFHS must be brought up to date before any further services will be performed. The Board of Directors reserves the right to refuse renewal of membership or to terminate membership in such cases. Any member’s payment which does not clear (i.e. non-honouring of cheque) may be liable to an administration fee in accordance to bank charges incurred by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Unless otherwise stated, fees for attending FHAGBI t/a UKFHS organised clinics / events / inspections must be paid in full in advance. In cases of non-attendance, a cancellation fee of all or part of the payment may be taken, unless a letter from a veterinary surgeon or letter from a doctor is submitted within 5 working days of the event, whereby at the discretion of the Board of Directors a refund may be given.
6. Social Media and Internet PolicyFHAGBI t/a UKFHS acknowledges the importance of the internet and social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Linked In, home web pages, chat rooms, and all other forms of electronic communication and the role in which “social media” plays in the day to day lives of members. This policy note is to remind members that the Rules and Regulations of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS apply to members when using social media and the internet. Failure to adhere to this policy note could lead to disciplinary action being taken against a member. Using social media: You should be aware that FHAGBI t/a UKFHS may from time to time carry out internet searches to identify posting which include references to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and its members. FHAGBI t/a UKFHS produced images are the subject of copyright and should not be copied or used in social media without the written permission of the Board of Directors. You should ensure that any material that you transmit or post to social media is clearly stated to be your personal view and is not held out to be or could be mistaken as the view of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. You must not post or transmit any material which could damage the name or reputation of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, its members or former members, or which is derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interests of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. You must not post or transmit any material relating to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, members or former members, or their horses, or which could otherwise be associated with or which may reasonably be attributed as coming from FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS that is threatening, defamatory, obscene, indecent, seditious, offensive, pornographic, abusive, liable to incite racial hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy or which cause annoyance, distress or inconvenience; or which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be in breach of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS rules, or constitutes a criminal offence, or which could give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the laws of, or infringe the rights of any third party in, the UK or any other country of the world. Any breach of this policy note may constitute a breach of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS rules and could also lead to civil and/or criminal proceedings being brought against you.
7. Complaints and Disciplinary ProcedureWhen submitting a complaint please follow the Complaints Procedure which is available on the website or please contact a member of the Board of Directors to request a copy. The attention of members and other persons is drawn to the disciplinary provisions of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS where FHAGBI t/a UKFHS has wide powers to discipline members and other persons in the event of failure to observe any provisions of these rules, regulations and bylaws made by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. All members of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS are bound by its and the KFPS rules, as amended from time to time and shall be deemed to have consented to all the provisions thereof by reason of all or any of the following: Submission of a membership application form followed by acceptance of membership. Submission of a request for annual renewal of membership followed by acceptance of such renewal. Neither FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or any of its officials accept any financial responsibility for its or their decisions. No member of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS shall conduct themselves in a manner or be guilty of behaviour which is derogatory to the character or prejudicial to the interests of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and in particular (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) no member shall behave in an offensive or abusive or unpleasant manner to any person at any event or at any other location where FHAGBI t/a UKFHS business is being transacted or via social media or the internet or any publication in whatever format or via any other written or electronic format. Members attention is drawn to the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS Social Media and Internet Policy in section 6 of the Rules and Regulations. It is the duty of every member to assist the officers of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS in their investigations of breaches of the rules and an unreasonable failure or refusal to assist any such officer in such investigation will itself constitute a breach of the rules. Members are responsible for the actions of any non-members who are family members (as defined in this section) or who are friends or friends of family members or who are employed by them or assisting or supporting or representing them or otherwise acting on their behalf and any action or conduct of such a non-member which would be a breach of the rules were they a member shall constitute a breach of the rules by the member concerned. Family members shall include a spouse or civil partner, brothers, sisters, children or adopted children of the member or their spouse or civil partner, or any other person who is part of the same household as the member or is in the reasonable opinion of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS a member of the member’s family in the widest sense.
8. Breeding GoalThe breeding goal of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS is aligned with the breeding goal of the KFPS. The goal is to produce a functionally built utility horse, with the Friesian breed characteristics, which is healthy and vital, has the ability to perform in sport and which has a reliable and trainable character. Full information on the breeding goal can be found in Appendix 1.
9. Breeder’s ResponsibilityThe boards of the Friesian horse associations and the breeders together face the challenge and responsibility of improving the quality of the Friesian horse. Stallion selection, breeders should select a stallion whose conformation, movement, sport performance and pedigree will best complement the specific mare for the particular purpose for which the mare is being bred. In selecting a stallion, the mare owner has the responsibility to carefully consider the inbreeding coefficient of the resulting foal. It is not an absolute criterion by itself, but should be considered in conjunction with other factors such as desired conformation, intended use, height, etc. Inbreeding coefficients are shown on the KFPS breed papers of horses born after 1988. A low inbreeding coefficient indicates that a foal has few common ancestors in a given number of generations, thus minimising the chance of genetic defects. Since 2014 the calculation of the inbreeding coefficient within 6 generations was made available on the KFPS portal for Gold members. FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS recommends keeping the inbreeding coefficients below 5% in 6 generations where possible. Inbreeding coefficient forecasts calculate the percentage of inbreeding foals resulting from the mating of a particular mare with a particular stallion. Members may obtain an inbreeding forecast for their mare(s) from with the Gold level of membership which provides access to the KFPS database. Kinship percentage is any horses’ relationship to the entire Friesian breed. The FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS policy with regard to prevention of congenital disorders is aimed at excluding high risk matings, i.e. matings of stallions and mares, both of which carry the same single recessive trait. A DNA test is available for the conditions hydrocephalus and dwarfism, which identifies carriers. From 2017, all mares receiving the Ster predicate must be tested for both conditions, as well as all Foal Book and Studbook mares, of which a foal will be offered for registration to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS. Mares whose sire and dam have been tested as non-carriers for both traits are exempt from this DNA test. If there is a risk mating regarding dwarf or hydrocephalus, the owner of the mare will be penalised after the moment of insemination. A first offence will result in an official warning. In the event of a second or subsequent violation, a fine of £2,000.00 will be imposed. A risk mating involves: A mare that is the carrier of the hydrocephalus gene or a mare that has not been DNA tested and is also not exempt on the basis of descent from the hydrocephalus gene is inseminated with a stallion that carries the hydrocephalus gene; A mare that is a carrier of the dwarf gene or a mare that has not been DNA tested and is not exempt on the basis of descent from the dwarf gene is inseminated with a stallion that carries the dwarf gene.
10. Breeding GuidelinesApproved breeding methods include natural cover, artificial insemination and limited embryo transfer are permitted. Artificial insemination may include breeding with transported cooled semen or frozen semen. For details regarding embryo transfer, see section 14. Breeding contracts and related agreements between mare owners or semen purchasers and stallion owners or semen vendors are the responsibility of the parties involved in the transaction. Those involved in breeding transactions are advised to obtain signed agreements which clearly specify all rights and responsibilities of each party. Different breeding limits are imposed by the KFPS on stallions not yet approved on offspring versus those stallions that are permanently approved from breeding after completion of their offspring testing. The KFPS may impose further limits on individual stallions who have not completed all their offspring testing within the prescribed time. These limits may be changed by the KFPS from time to time and stallion owners/managers are advised to keep abreast of the applicable limits to avoid any penalty that the KFPS may impose for exceeding these limits.
11. Procedures for Transported SemenUse of frozen semen from deceased studbook stallions with approved breeding privileges is authorised. The importation of semen into the United Kingdom is strongly encouraged by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. This practice will allow breeding to approved studbook stallions as per the breeding goal and broaden the gene pool of the Friesian horse within the UK population.
12. Breeding CertificatesOwners of studbook stallions shall maintain their Stallion Owner Record Book (dekboek) in which they are to record the date each time a specific mare is covered, when chilled semen is transported or when frozen semen is used for insemination. Once the stallion owner receives payment for stallion service and related costs, a copy of the breeding certificate should be forwarded to the mare owner with the appropriate sections completed.
13. Birth AnnouncementFollowing the birth of the foal, the mare owner should notify FHAGBI t/a UKFHS through the online Foal Portal within 7 days of birth. Foal names must begin with the specific letters designated by the KFPS for that calendar year. Names must be relatively simple, ideally consisting of a single word. Abbreviations of farm names or initials are not allowed to precede a name but may follow the name if approved by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Names need not be Dutch. Once processed by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, names cannot then be changed. Please note that farm names require an application to be made to both FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS along with the appropriate fees.
14. Embryo TransferThe notification of an embryo transfer must be made in writing to the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS using the Embryo Transplant Notification Form. This form must be requested from FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. The lineage of the foal born from the embryo must be determined through a DNA test before the foal can be registered in the foal book of the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS.
15. SectionsThe UK Friesian horse studbook and the KFPS studbook are closed breeding studbooks. The studbooks are divided into three sections, the Mainbook, B-Book 1 and B-Book 2.Please see the schematic in Appendix 2 for the section a Friesian horse would be eligible to be entered into.
16. ResgistersWithin the sections of the studbook, the horses are divided into registers according to gender. The registers in the UK studbook mirror those of the KFPS with a few differences. Provisional Foal Register, is for foals and horses that have not yet been provided with a microchip are temporarily registered in the Provisional Foal Register. Animals in the provisional foal register are not (yet) registered in one of the sections above. Once the foal or horse is chipped and the parents verified through DNA, the foal or horse is then registered in the Foal Book. Foal Book for stallion and mares, is when the foal or horse is microchipped, and the parentage verified through DNA. Studbook for mares, once a mare turns three years old, she can be entered into the Studbook Register. For this to happen the horse must be inspected and meet the minimum requirements with regard to exterior, movement, height (minimum 1.54m) and markings. Studbook for stallions, only KFPS approved stallions can be entered into this register. Stallions which do not qualify as KFPS approved stallions will remain permanently in the Foal Book Gelding Book, once a gelding turns three years old, he can be entered into this register. For this the horse must be inspected and meet the minimum requirements with regard to exterior, movement, height (minimum 1.56m) and markings. Within the registers, horses are further distinguished by quality by means of predicates. Please see Appendix 3 for further information on predicates. Horses with unauthorised markings and that are not black will remain in the Foal Book.
17. MarkingsMarkings are defined as a cluster of white hairs. This can be an area with only white hairs or an area with both white and black hairs. A limited number of white hairs that are not in a cluster, regardless of location, are not seen as a marking. Only horses that are completely black are eligible for inclusion into the adult registers, those horses of another colour will remain in the Foal Book and they are ineligible for inspection. Markings are allowable on the head providing that they are above the eyeline and with a maximum diameter of 3cm. The cross section is determined at the widest part of the marking. Non allowable markings are: Markings on the head below the eyeline; Markings on the head above the eyeline with a diameter greater than 3cm; White soles or white spots on the soles; Markings on the body; Markings on the legs, including the hoof wall. Horses and foals with unauthorised markings are ineligible for inspection and will not be permitted to be included in the adult registers. Markings may not be concealed or camouflaged during the inspection of foals and horses or during the registration process. In cases where unauthorised markings are found, it is possible that previous inspection results are declared invalid. This could lead to removal from the adult registers and the horse demoted back to the Foal Book. In the event that unauthorised markings are the result of external factors, and this can be conclusively substantiated by means of a veterinary statement, then this will not prevent the horse from being inspected or being entered into the adult registers. For a conclusive veterinary statement, it is important that this is historically substantiated based on the medical records. Subsequently written statements are not considered to be sufficiently substantiated. This will be at the discretion of the KFPS inspectors in conjunction with the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS Board. The burden of proof in all cases lies with the owner.
18. General Registration GuidelinesAll registration procedures and issues regarding Friesian horses in the United Kingdom must be handled through FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Only FHAGBI t/a UKFHS members in good standing are eligible to obtain breed papers, judging and other related services of the KFPS. Fees are due in advance of services, wherever possible. Buyers and importers of Friesian horses have the sole responsibility to ensure that the documents needed to transfer ownership or register in-utero foals are forwarded to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. The passport and KFPS Breed Paper are strictly proof of identity of the horse and that it has a recognised pedigree. They are not proof of ownership; buyers should obtain a properly executed Bill of Sale from the Sellers for this purpose. The Breed Paper is not the property of the horse owner and can be withdrawn by the KFPS or FHAGBI t/a UKFHS for justifiable cause. The breed paper must be returned to the KFPS upon the death of the horse within 4 weeks to obtain refund of the papers deposit. Upon the death of the horse the passport must be returned to the PIO that issued it within 30 days so that the records can be updated and the passport either invalidated or destroyed. Once the passport has been invalidated it can be returned to the owner.
19. Foal RegistrationFor studbook registration, a foal born in the UK should ideally be reported to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS within 1 week of birth by the mare owner. Mare owners must ensure that FHAGBI t/a UKFHS receives their passport application no later than 30 days prior to six months from the foal’s date of birth or by 30 November. First passports that are issued by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS after 12 months of birth must be treated as “late” and be issued as Duplicate / Replacement passports instead. Where FHAGBI t/a UKFHS receives a late application from an owner, the passport is treated as “late” if it is issued more than 12 months after the foal’s date of birth. The application form is available on the Company website or can be sent to the owner upon request. A RCVS Veterinary Surgeon should implant the microchip, complete, and sign the Animal Identification section on the application. For inclusion into the studbook lineage verification by DNA is required and samples should be sent along with the passport application. Instructions for DNA Retrieval are available on the Company website or can be sent to the owner upon request. Please see Appendix 4 for more information on parentage verification and genetic testing. Every foal presented to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS for registration is given a unique registration number also known as the Unique Equine Life Number (UELN). The UELN is a 15 digit number consisting of: The Territory Identifier which for the UK is 826; The Organisation Identifier, which for FHAGBI t/a UKFHS is 029; The year of birth, for example 2023; 5 digits assigned by the PIO to uniquely identify the foal. The name of the foal born including the stable name should be no longer than 30 characters and be in accordance with rule 13.2. Once the application form has been received, the lineage verification confirmed by DNA testing and the relevant registration fees paid, the passport is issued by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. For those horses that do not meet the lineage verification for the studbook an ID only passport is issued. For those horses registered in the UK Friesian horse studbook the horse details are passed to the KFPS for inclusion into the worldwide Friesian studbook. Once registered the UELN and horse’s name cannot be changed. When a birth is registered, the person who is registered as the owner of the dam at the time of the foal’s birth is regarded as the breeder of the foal. Breed papers are available to owners of the horse from the KFPS if they are a Gold member of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. The breed paper is the property of the KFPS and the fees associated with this are payable to the KFPS directly. This is a contract between the owner and the KFPS.
20. Transfer of Ownership / Imported HorsesIt is the responsibility of the seller to ensure that the passport is given to the new owner at the time of transfer. New owners, have the responsibility to notify FHAGBI t/a UKFHS within 30 days of the transfer (this is a legal requirement and there are penalties for non-compliance) using form T02 Passport Change of Ownership and must send the form, and the physical passport along with the appropriate fees to the PIO for updating. This also applies to those e.g. dealers, who only possess the horse for a short period of time. For horses that are imported and will be resident in the UK for more than 90 days, the passport is overstamped and a record created of the horse in the Central Equine Database (CED). The KFPS breed paper can be updated into the name of the new owner if they are a Gold member of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. The seller should pass the breed paper to the new owner at the time of transfer. Form T01 and the back of the Breed Paper completed by the new owner and sent to the KFPS for updating. Any fees associated with this are between the KFPS and the owner.
21. Changes in Owner Details and the Status of HorsesWhere an existing owner changes their name or contact details, or the status of the horse changes, form U01 Application to Update Owner Details or Horse Status, should be completed and sent with the physical passport along with the appropriate fees to the PIO for updating. When a stallion is castrated, a signed statement by the owner showing the date of castration should be submitted to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. This information will be shared with the KFPS and the breed paper can be updated if the person is a Gold member of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Upon the death of a horse the passport must be returned to the PIO that issued it within 30 days so that the records can be updated and the passport either invalidated or destroyed. Once the passport has been invalidated it can be returned to the owner. The breed paper must be returned to the KFPS upon the death of the horse within 4 weeks to obtain refund of the papers deposit.
22. Investigation of Validity of PedigreeAlthough any investigation into a pedigree is usually initiated by the Board of Directors, a member in good standing has the right to challenge the validity of the pedigree of any UKFHS or KFPS registered Friesian horse. The member making the challenge must submit the reasons for the investigation to the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS registered office together with a bond of £1,000.00. Within 60 days of the receipt of the challenge, the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS will initiate an investigation into the validity of the pedigree which will be based on a method of parentage verification selected by the Board. The owner of the horse in question will be reimbursed for any costs for taking samples if the pedigree is proven valid. If the pedigree is proven invalid, the bond will be returned to the challenger and the Board will determine the appropriate action and / or discipline including liability for the costs of testing.
23. Purpose of InspectionThe annual inspection conducted by the KFPS in the UK has as its primary purpose the evaluation of the Friesian horses in the UK.Certain categories of horse may be evaluated for premium awards and adult Friesians may be evaluated for promotion to the studbooks and to the registers of status / predicates.
24. Eligibility for InspectionTo be evaluated by KFPS judges, a horse must be registered with the UK Friesian Horse studbook or one of the KFPS recognised studbooks. FHAGBI t/a UKFHS reserves the right to withhold inspection services from those horses for which inspection applications and / or payments are not received by the published deadline. By presenting a horse to be inspected, the owner acknowledges that this is done on a voluntary basis, that the horse participates entirely at the owner’s risk and that the owner will pay all fees associated with the inspection. Neither FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS can be held responsible for whatever consequences may occur. Horses to be inspected must be registered on the inspection application deadline and on the day of inspection, to a FHAGBI t/a UKFHS member in good standing. Horses and foals may only be inspected once per calendar year. If the horse is presented for inspection more often than once a year, only the first result applies. The inspection costs will be charged. In order to be evaluated, a horse must be sound. Unsound horses cannot be evaluated for prizes or premium, for Studbooks or for status / predicates. These horses must remain in their current register indefinitely, or until they are sound. However, all purebred Friesian foals must enter the Foal Book; there is no soundness restrictions for the Foal Book. Horses that are ill should not be presented for inspection and may be sent home without inspection resulting in forfeiting entry fees. Vaccinations must be stated in the horse’s passport. A vaccination certificate is only valid if it can be established that it belongs to the horse participating in the inspection and which shows that the horse has been vaccinated against equine influenza and tetanus. Vaccinations must be confirmed by the signature / initials and stamp of the veterinarian who administered the vaccine. A copy of the vaccination certificate (passport) must be submitted to the Board of Directors for verification prior to the inspection. Horses that have not had the necessary vaccinations are not allowed on the grounds and therefore not inspected resulting in forfeiting entry fees. A primary vaccination course – first vaccination followed by a second vaccination given not less than 21 days and not more than 92 days after the first vaccination. The first booster vaccination given not less than 150 days and not more than 215 days after the second vaccination and further booster vaccinations at intervals of not more than a year apart. The horse cannot be inspected until the first two vaccines are completed. The last vaccination must have taken place at least 1 week before the inspection. It is advisable to have foals vaccinated from the age of 4 months, not earlier because immunity is via the colostrum.
25. Categories for InspectionThe below are the categories that can be inspected: Weanling colts for Foal Book Weanling fillies for Foal Book Yearling mares for premium Two year old mares for premium 4 Year and older mares for Studbook and Ster 3 Year old mares for Studbook and Ster Studbook mares repeat for Ster Ster mares 4-6 for premium Ster mares 7 and older for premium Kroon mares for premium Model mares for premium 3 year and older geldings for Gelding Book and Ster Gelding repeat for Ster Ster gelding for premium Yearling colts for premium 2 year old stallions for premium 3 year and older Foal Book stallions for Ster IBOP There is no inspection in the UK for approved stallion status.This test is carried out by the KFPS in the Netherlands.
26. Inspection FeesFees for the inspection and IBOP are determined by the Board of Directors. The separate fees payable by the member to the KFPS for inspection are determined by the KFPS. Applications for inspections received after the published deadline will incur a late application fee for each horse as set by the Board of Directors. If owners would like to substitute a horse this must be done prior to the deadline. Refund of inspection fees will only be considered by the Board of Directors where the appropriate vet / doctors medical documents have been submitted.
27. Inspection Timing and LocationInspections will be held annually subject to the minimum number of entries being met. The location of the inspection will be held at sites determined by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS that are suitable for the event.
28. Premiums and PrizesPremiums are awarded by the KFPS judges at the inspections. Only certain categories of horses are eligible to receive premiums. In categories 1-7, 12-13 and 15-16 the following results may be attained: first premium (orange ribbon), second premium (red ribbon), third premium (white ribbon) or no premium. Adult mares may be denied admission to the Studbook and gelding may be denied admission to the Gelding Book if they do not meet minimum standards. The results in each of these categories will be recorded on each horse’s breed paper. In categories 8-11 and 14, horses will be considered for a first premium. If a first premium is awarded this result will be recorded on each horses’ breed paper. Foal Book stallions, category 17, will not receive premiums. They will receive a result of Ster or no Ster and this will be recorded on the breed paper of the horse. Prizes may be awarded by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS if desired, are strictly optional and may consist of championship awards and place ribbons.
29. Presentation of Horses for InspectionIt shall be left to the discretion of the judges as to the final sequence and format for the inspection. Measuring of horses entering the Studbooks typically follow the completion of inspection activities. All horses are to be presented in hand. The handler may have an assistant who encourages the horses to be attentive while standing and to move forward vigorously at the walk and trot. Presentation will require that the horse stand squarely for evaluation of the conformation and then walk and trot a triangular pattern for evaluation of movement. Foals should be presented with their dams and may be turned loose during the evaluation of their movement. Emphasis is placed on uninhibited forward movement; handlers should walk and trot their horses in an unrestricted manner, as steadily and quickly as possible, demonstrating the best movement of the horse. Foals and yearlings should be presented in a halter and lead, with or without a chain. Horses two years and older should be presented in a bridle with a jointed snaffle bit. White halters, bridles and leads are traditional but not required. The assistant may carry a whip and / or noisemaker to encourage the horse to move forward. Horses are to be clean and well groomed with full and unbraided manes and tails. Dyeing or otherwise making the coat or mane and tail black is not allowed. The addition of hair or other materials to the mane or tail such as extensions is not permitted. The cutting of parts of the mane, except for a maximum width of 2cm for a bridle path or cutting hair at the root of the tail is not allowed. Additional grooming, such as polishing hooves or removing superfluous hair on the muzzle or ears, is optional. However, removal of hair on the inside of the ears and the removal of the hairs around the eyes, nose and mouth is not allowed. The use of glitter material is not desirable. It is traditional for the handler to wear white trousers and a white shirt, either with or without a necktie. Shoes must be suitable for running. The assistant traditionally dresses in white also. While white clothing is not required, it allows colour differentiation when viewing the horse, it is respectful, and effort should be made to have at least the shirt or trousers be white. Horses are to be judged in a triangular arena. The far side of the triangle is to approximately 55 metres (180 feet), if possible, and the other two sides are to be approximately 40 metres (130 feet). The horse will be judged first at the halt and then at the walk. Only half the length of the arena’s long sides is used for the walk. After the walk, the horse will proceed to the trot. The trot will use the entire triangular arena. The horse will then be presented again at the halt. Horses aged two years and older may be presented with shoes, provided the following requirements are met. Only standard horseshoes may be used. Maximum thickness of the shoes is limited to 8mm (5/16 inch), and width of shoes is limited to 25mm (1 inch). No wedges, pads, or other additions to the shoes are allowed. Judges may exclude horses presented with shoes not in compliance with these rules or allow the horses to be presented only after the shoes are removed. Excessive foot length may also result in exclusion. Horses must be provided by head numbers issued by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. A £10 deposit must be paid per bridle number and will be refunded if the numbers are returned undamaged after the inspection. Horses and foals with head numbers not issued by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS will not be inspected.
30. Linear ScoresMares and geldings entering the adult studbooks are evaluated on a number of points which include various aspects of conformation, breed characteristics and movement.The horses are scored on each point based on their positive or negative deviation from the average for the Friesian horse population.The linear scores are used to inform the horses’ owners of their animals’ strong and weak points and to obtain data on the stallions’ influence on their offspring.Horse owners receive a copy of the linear score sheet after payment of the appropriate KFPS fees.The linear score sheet is determined by the KFPS.
31. Doping RegulationsHorses must be free of substances on the FEI List of Prohibited Substances, which are considered illegal. The KFPS Equestrian Doping Regulations apply to all inspections.
32. AppealAn appeal can be lodged against the inspection result and can consist of a request for re-inspection or re-measurement. A request for re-inspection must be made in writing and submitted to the KFPS within 7 days after the horse has been inspected. As the UK inspections are held annually, the request for re-inspection is at the discretion of the KFPS and the result is binding. Objections to the measurement can be submitted in writing to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS up to fifteen minutes after the measurement. The re-measurement is done by another person, who does use the same measuring stick. The outcome is binding and therefore no objection can be lodged against this.
33. IBOPThe objective of the IBOP examination is to determine as objectively as possible the aptitude and suitability of a horse for a specific purpose. Any horse four year or older can be submitted for the IBOP examination. The IBOP has three different discipline tests, ridden test, driven test and harness test where the criteria is set by the KFPS. An IBOP test can be part of obtaining the Ster, Kroon and Model predicates. A horse, regardless of the discipline, may take an IBOP test a maximum of twice a year, on the same day or on two different days. If the maximum number of two IBOP test are taken on the same day, these must be tests in two different disciplines. All classes are ridden or driven individually. At the request of the jury, the participant can be asked to show one or more parts of the test again. The horse presented for examination is excluded if the jury committee considers there are reasons to do so because of illness, lameness etc. The examination may also be terminated by the jury if, in its opinion, the horse is not presented or ridden / driven in an acceptable manner. The owner of the horse can determine whether they present the horse themselves or whether the horse is ridden or driven by a third party. The jury will consist of two qualified jury members appointed by the KFPS. The results of the jury are communicated to the interested parties on the day of the test. A certificate will be sent to the owner by the KFPS after the appropriate fees are paid.
Appendix 1: Breeding GoalINTRODUCTION The breeding goal is the basis for the breeding and selection program of the KFPS. The breeding goal outlines the ideal image of the Friesian horse in all its facets. The breeding goal is fine-tuned every 10-15 years. This breeding goal was set in the fall of 2021. In the breeding goal, on the one hand, the breed characteristics indicated in the mission of the KFPS are leading and, on the other hand, it is examined how the Friesian horse can best be positioned in the equestrian spectrum. Overall, it can be said that the Friesian horse has a clear advantage over specialised sport breeding in terms of character (reliability) and has a clear advantage over most other breeds in terms of suitability in sport. The above has led to the strategic choice that, in the current breeding goal, breed characteristics, character (reliability) and sports aptitude are fully equivalent in terms of weight. In addition, health and longevity have been formulated as basic conditions and therefore have a high priority. KFPS BREEDING GOAL A functionally built utility horse in possession of the Friesian breed characteristics, which is healthy and vital, has the ability to perform in sport, has a reliable character and can be trained. The starting point for formulating the breeding goal is that the goals with regard to exterior and use should not be at the expense of animal welfare. THEMES Health and vitality Character Exterior Sports aptitude 1. HEALTH AND VITALITY An important objective in the breeding of Friesian horses is selection based on health. The Friesian horse must be suitable for use in sports, recreation, and breeding until old age. The following aspects are important in this regard: Minimising hereditary disorders. Fertility: Stallions should have an anatomically normal reproductive system with acceptable sperm production. Mares should conceive easily and foal without birth problems. Vitality: Friesian horses should be in good health and durable. The horse must have a healthy skeleton, good quality muscles, tendons, and ligaments. 2. CHARACTER The fine character of the Friesian horse is an important breed characteristic that should not be lost, so is explicitly included in the breeding goal. Character objectives are divided into two main aspects: Reliability, the Friesian horse is stable, easy-going, and honest. Trainability, the Friesian horse is intelligent and has a cooperative character which makes the horse easy to train. The Friesian horse has perseverance and commitment. 3. EXTERIOR The exterior of the Friesian horse focuses on two aspects: the breed characteristics that distinguish the Friesian horse so strongly from other horse breeds and the functionality of the exterior. Breed Characteristics A horse that has an elegant appearance with a lot of charisma due to the impressive front, generous hair, black colour, graceful lines, and lofty gaits. A small, expressive, noble head with large bright eyes set wide apart. The nasal bone has a slightly dished profile from a side view and the jaw should be light. The ears are small and with the tips slightly pointing at each other. The poll and the long neck form a slightly upward curved line. The neck direction is vertical with the crest being straight when viewed from behind. The Friesian horse has a generous hair in the mane, tail, and feathers. The Friesian horse colour is jet black and ideally no white markings. Functional Exterior A functional exterior serves the intended purpose of use and objectives with regard to constitution and lifespan. This concerns the build and legs of the Friesian horse. Build General: The Friesian horse is harmonious, functional, and built upwards. The horse is athletic and has good muscling. The horse stands in the rectangular model, with the ration of front, middle and hindquarter being 1:1:1. Neck: The neck is long, slightly arched and rises high from the chest. The head-neck connection is light. The neck has a smooth connection with the withers. Shoulder: The shoulder is long and sloping. Topline: The withers are well developed and flow smoothly into the back. The back is strong. The back has a smooth course towards the loins. The loins are strong and broad with a smooth transition to the croup. Croup: The croup is long and slightly sloping. Height: The desired height of the Friesian horse is around 165cm. Legwork The legs are the most important foundation of a horse. General: Front and hind legs have correct positions and are correctly positioned. The joints are hard and dry. Forelegs: The forelegs are perpendicular when viewed from the front and side with a hoof width gap between them. The forearm and the leg are long. Hind legs: The hind leg has an optimal angle in the side view. The hock joint is dry, hard, and well developed. The hind leg is parallel when viewed from behind. Fetlocks and pasterns: Seen in profile, the fetlocks are oval and dry. The pasterns have sufficient length and an optimal position. Hooves: The hooves are generous and well formed and are equal on both sides. 4. SPORTS APTITUDE The Friesian horse is a versatile utility horse. A working horse has a good movement mechanism, a functional exterior, stamina, work ethic and an adaptable character. The objective with regards to the sport is that the Friesian horse is competitive at basic / sub-top level and grows to the highest level. Movement: In use, whether recreational or in sport, correct movement of the horse is important. It benefits the well-being of the horse and promotes durability and performance. General: The gaits are regular. The horses move with suppleness and elasticity from strong hindquarters to achieve elevation and self-carriage. Walk: The walk has a pure 4 beat rhythm. The legs are placed in a perpendicular line when viewed from the front and behind. The hind leg is placed actively and well under the body. The front leg is placed well forward. Trot: The trot has pure 2 beat rhythm. The hind leg is placed powerfully and well under the body and carries the horse. The hock joint shows ample flexion. The foreleg shows lift in the knee and is placed well forward. The horse shows suppleness, balance and sufficient moment of suspension and moves in an uphill posture. Send from the front and back, the legs should in a perpendicular line. Gallop: The canter has a pure 3 beat rhythm. The canter must show a good reach in front with an active carrying hind leg. The canter is uphill and shows suspension, suppleness and balance. Disciplines The equestrian disciplines on which the breeding program focuses are: Dressage under saddle Driving dressage Composite driving sport Harnessed sports. 5. RELATIONSHIP BREEDING GOAL CHARACTERISTICS The breeding goal specifies the objectives with regard to the individual breeding goal characteristics. However, they should also be seen in conjunction with each other. Exterior and Sports Aptitude The relative weighting between conformation and sport aptitude/movement is set at 40:60. This weighting plays a role in particular in the inspections of Friesian horses. Reliability in Relation to Workability The workability of the Friesian horse for sport is further improved, without this being at the expense of reliability.
Appendix 2: StudbooksStallion * After use of three KFPS studbook stallions in the last four consecutive generations in the mare line, the offspring out of a B-Book I mare are registered in the UKFHS / KFPS Mainbook. ** When a B-Book II mare is bred to a KFPS studbook stallion, the offspring is promoted to B-Book I in one generation. *** When a B-Book II mare is bred to a Foal Book stallion with a UKFHS / KFPS breeding permit, promotion to a B-Book I takes place in two generations.
Appendix 3: PredicatesThe horses within the registers are distinguished according to quality by means of predicates. The predicates can be based on own performance or based on the quality of the offspring. Furthermore, predicates can be based on conformation, sport aptitude, or sport performance or a combination of these. 1. STER PREDICATE The Ster (Star) predicate is awarded during inspections of horses from the year they are three years of age. To qualify for the Ster predicate, the horse must meet minimum requirements for exterior, movement (in hand), and height (minimum 1.56m for mares and 1.58m for geldings and stallions). The Ster predicate may be awarded to mares in the Studbook register, geldings in the Gelding Book, and Foal Book stallions. For mares and geldings they can be awarded either a first or second premium ster depending upon their quality, while stallions in the Foal Book are either designated as Ster or no premium. Foal Book stallions with the Ster predicate, which are then gelded, retain their Ster predicate. Parentage verification is part of the awarding of the star predicate to mares. 2. KROON PREDICATE The Kroon (Crown) predicate is a predicate to which exterior and sport-aptitude requirements apply. Selection for the (provisional) Kroon predicate is for mares that have been awarded a first premium Ster predicate. The requirements for consideration for the (provisional) Kroon predicate are: Minimum age is three years old; Minimum height at the withers 1.58m. For permanent Kroon status the mare must complete an IBOP or ABFP test with a minimum score of 77.0 points and an average of 7 for walk and trot. If the Sport predicate is earned that will also convert the provisional-Kroon status into permanent Kroon status. 3. MODEL PREDICATE The Model predicate is a predicate to which exterior and sport-aptitude requirements apply. Only the very best mares of the population are considered for the Model predicate. The requirements for the (provisional) Model status are: Minimum age is 7 years old; The mare must have produced a foal or have a foal on her; Minimum height at the withers 1.60m. For permanent Model status the mare must complete an IBOP or ABFP test before the end of the calendar year following the year in which she made provisional Model, with a minimum score of 77.0 points and an average of 7 for walk and trot. If the Sport predicate is earned within that time frame that will also convert the provisional-Model status into permanent Model status. 4. SPORT PREDICATE The Sport predicate can be given to mares, gelding and stallions, with good results in competitive sport. This can be achieved in the Netherlands in accordance with the KFPS rules for the Sport predicate. In the UK the sport predicate can be obtained by: Achieving 5 scores above 60% as an affiliated British Dressage competitor; The tests to be used are either M75 (2002) and/or M76 (2016); Scores must be obtained by three different judges of the five tests scoring above 60%. 5. SPORT-ELITE PREDICATE The Sport-Elite predicate can be obtained in mares, gelding and stallions achieve exceptional results in competitive sport. The minimum requirements for achieving the Sport-Elite predicate are: Dressage at Prix St. George or higher with 5 scores above 60%; Driving (composed): class international +10. You must indicate in advance with both the KFPS and the FEI which Friesian horse(s) you want to participate. The horse must have achieved at least 10 international points from the time the horse has been registered for this purpose with the KFPS and FEI; Sport predicate achieved in three different disciplines. 6. PREFERENTIAL STATUS FOR MARES Mares registered in the Foal Book and the Studbook can be declared preferential from descendants. The Preferential status is granted automatically and can be awarded posthumously. The Preferential status for mares is granted when the mare has produced at least four quality horses. This includes: Ster, Kroon or Model mares Studbook Preferent mares Foal Book Preferent mares Ster geldings Foal Book Ster stallions Studbook stallions (approved) Stallions that have passed the second viewing of the stallion inspection. 7. STALLION PREFERENCE The Preference status can be granted to Studbook stallions who have a lasting, particularly positive influence on breeding. In the Preference test, the quality of the offspring for the breeding goal characteristics is tested. This assessment takes please as follows; an average score of offspring per year is calculated for each stallion. This average score is calculated by multiplying the predicates obtained by the offspring by a weighting factor determined for each predicate and dividing this by the number of offspring born of the stallion in question in the relevant year. This score is compared with the average score of all offspring for the relevant year and expressed as a ration. The average, weighted average of this ratio determines whether a stallion becomes Preferential. The established standard of this ration is as follows; 1.8 for a minimum of 1000 registered three year old and older horses and 2.2 for a minimum of 700 three year old and older horses. The weighting factors are as follows: Ster 1 Kroon 5 Model 10 Sport-Elite 10 Sport 5 A 1 AA 5 AAA 10 Preferent 15 Performance 20 Studbook stallion 25 Studbook stallion approved on the basis of offspring 50 Mother of an approved stallion 20. The rations are calculated and published once a year by the KFPS. 8. PRESTATIE (PERFORMANCE) MOTHER PREDICATE The Prestatie dam predicate is awarded to mares that have produced three direct offspring that have obtained the Sport predicate or have passed an aptitude test with a minimum of 75 points. 9. PERFORMANCE PREDICATE Horses can be given a performance predicate based on the results of a performance test (IBOP for example): 73 through 76.5: A 77 through 81.5: AA 82 and above: AAA
Appendix 4: Parentage Verification and Genetic TestingLineage verification takes place by means of DNA research. Pedigree verification on the sire is always required in the following situations: For mares that are declared Ster and have not been verified before. For all mares of which a foal is offered for registration and has not yet been verified. For all foals registered in the pedigree studbook, if they fall under paragraph 3 below, maternity control is also required. Parentage verification on sire and dam is always required in the following situations: Foals or horses that are chipped at an age of older than 6 months. If the foal is not presented at the dam’s foot for identification. A vet’s statement, in which the mother is declared, with a date no more than one week after the date of birth, counts as an exemption. When a foal has been microchipped by a non-certified person. If the application for registration is made more than 4 weeks after chipping. If a mare has been covered / inseminated with two different stallions within the duration of one cycle or in two consecutive cycles. If the breeding date registered with FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS does not correspond with the date of birth of a foal. Foals born from inseminations with frozen semen, the coverage of which has not been passed on. If the breeding date has not been reported to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS within 14 days after mating. If there are doubts about the correctness of the covering data of the covering, from which the foal is assumed to have been born. Registration of foals born through embryo transfer or ICSI. Registration of foals in B-Book II. If the microchip cannot be found or has become defective. If the chip number does not match the expected chip number. Stallions before they participate in the Central Examination in the Netherlands and have not yet been verified. All other horses or groups of horses with the Board of Directors deems it necessary for parentage verification, with a view to the purity of the recorded parentage data. Hair samples for parentage verification must be taken by a recognised passport consultant or a veterinarian, unless otherwise directed by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. Hair samples are sent to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and must be accompanied by a statement from the person who took the hair sample (name, date and signature). The FHAGBI t/a UKFHS is entitled to co-examine blood relatives of the horse in question when conducting parentage checks. After making it available to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, the DNA material and DNA sample of the horse that has been collected and stored for the DNA test becomes the property of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS by means of (physical) transfer by sending to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS. In the context of the DNA test, the client is only entitled to the result of the DNA test for which the test has been requested and (among other things) not to the genotype of the horse. Without prejudice to the above conditions, and insofar as still required in any way, the client expressly and irrevocably grants FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS permission to include the data obtained from the DNA test in the database and to use it in accordance with the statutory objective of the FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS including (but not limited to) the use of the relevant data for breeding, journalistic, historical, statistical, information technology and scientific purposes. The client is never entitled to any information and/or results and/or data (including genotypes) of horses as included in the databases of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS and the KFPS, unless it concerns data as included in public sources. The costs for DNA testing: The costs for testing the said horses, and in the case of paragraph 3 also of the necessary blood relatives, are for the account of the client, the registered owner of the horse or the applicant for the registration of the horse. In the case of paragraph 3, administration costs will be charged. In the case of paragraph 3(h), the costs are the responsibility of the stallion owner. In the case of paragraph 3(l), the cots are for the account of the client, the registered owner of the horse or the applicant for the registration of the horse. The costs of the investigations as per paragraph 3(o), said horses are at the expense of FHAGBI t/a UKFHS or the KFPS, unless the investigation gives rise to further investigation. If the further investigation shows that, whether or not intentionally, there has been falsely incorrect or incomplete information provided or acted carelessly in any other way, the both the costs of the initial investigations and the further investigations of the horse and its blood relatives will be borne by the registered owner of the horse to which the investigation relates. If the registered owner refuses to cooperate with such an investigation or if the determination of the DNA result shows that the result does not correspond to the stated lineage, the Board of Directors has the right with regard to the horse and the offspring: The horse in question any descendants to register in any book other than the original one. To maintain the registration in the Studbook, the registration in the Foal Book or in a register until the required information has been obtained. Undo the inclusion in the Studbook, the registration in the Foal Book or in a register. To inform other studbooks, FHAGBI t/a UKFHS members, the KFPS and third parties of the findings. To withdraw or declare invalid any approvals, predicates, performance, or competition results obtained. If, on the basis of DNA testing, it is concluded that the stated parentage is incorrect a counter examination may take place at the request of the registered owner. The counter assessment must be requested by registered letter to FHAGBI t/a UKFHS within fourteen days after the result of the first examination has been made available to the registered owner. In this case, under the supervision of a person appointed by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS, DNA and/or blood samples must be taken again from the horses concerned, which will be examined again by the same institution where ethe initial examination were carried out. If this second investigation does not lead to a solution, within fourteen days after publication of the result of the counter assessment, as the request of the registered owner, another institution to be determined by the Board of Directors, not being the institution where the first and counter assessment took place, a third investigation must be carried out, whereby at least that part of the investigation must be carried out on which the conclusion of the first and the counter assessment were based. FHAGBI t/a UKFHS registers the horse’s lineage based on the conclusions of the third examination. The costs of the counter assessment and the third investigation are at the expense of the registered owner. If the conclusions of the counter assessment and of the third examination are identical and deviate from the conclusions of the first examination, the costs are borne by FHAGBI t/a UKFHS.
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